Q: What is the Building Project at the Hospital?
A: It’s exciting! We are doing a major renovation and building project. It has a lot to it but a few of the main things are renovating and expanding the Emergency Area, Building a new Clinic, expanding the Specialty Clinic, modernizing the facility, creating more space for future growth and building new private patient rooms.
Q: How are you paying for it? Are my taxes going up?
A: Did you know that we don’t get any tax dollars for the hospital? So, no, your taxes are not rising with this project. Actually, we are mostly working with the USDA for funding. They have a great program that provides fixed low-interest loans to rural hospitals and we have qualified to receive it.
Q. How much is it?
A: The project is $17.6 million. This should cover all the planning, construction and associated equipment costs and the rollover of current debt.
Q: Why does the project cost so much?
A: Healthcare is expensive and unfortunately that goes into the building and equipment costs as well. We are working diligently to ensure we are growing responsibly. Our budget is strict and we are working within those guidelines.
Q: Why are they moving the clinic?
A: The current Clinic is located in a part of a building that the hospital doesn’t own. While we have been grateful to rent the space that we have used, the challenges of renting vs. owning created a situation that required a hard look at the future. The current building has become functionally obsolete and it was very clear that the facts of the project made building a new clinic space the logical choice. The loans from the USDA have very specific rules about building versus renovation with requirements of 50% or more new construction. This business decision was not made lightly. The Board felt as though they must look at the greater good for every family in the community as they made plans. It is important to know that the board did consider purchasing the clinic space to utilize for other areas. However a price could not be agreed on and the plans moved forward as they stand now.
Q: Is this project too big?
A: It’s interesting because people asked that when we built the hospital here 20 years ago. We have to look as far into the future as we can and this project will keep the hospital functional and give us the ability to grow responsibly. We are working with the USDA to ensure that we are being as responsible as possible with our growth.
Q: Why are you doing a Capital Campaign?
A: Over twenty years ago the Hospital Board and Administration moved forward with a Capital Campaign to help fund the new hospital. There have been fundraising efforts over the years but none to the level of a Capital Campaign. Considering we get no tax support from the community we felt as though coming to our Jackson County Family and Friends would be an appropriate way to ensure that the future of healthcare here is more secure. We know that not everyone can give but we feel that if those who can give, do give, to the best of their ability then we’ll be successful in this important campaign.
Q: How can I participate?
A: It’s easy. Fill out and return the pledge card, stop by or call the HCH Foundation office. The Foundation staff will make sure your needs are met. We are hoping that a majority of our supporters will consider making a five-year pledge to HCHF. However, you may choose a number of different donation methods, such as a one-time cash gift, deferred giving or gifting some other type of property or agriculture. Learn more about how to give here.
Q: Why are you asking for a five-year pledge?
A: Studies have shown that breaking down a contribution over a five year period makes it easier for a family to make a sizable donation. The advantage to a pledge is that it is not a legal document. It can be adjusted if needed. Very few pledges in Kansas are adjusted, but we want you to know that you have that option. Giving should feel good and we believe that if everybody gives what they truly can we will be successful. We are aware that situations change but if you consider making your pledge with what you think you can afford now, we can work with you in the future if adjustments are needed.
Q: When are you breaking ground?
A: We are hoping to break ground in the Summer of 2019 but that will be dependent on charitable dollars raised. Some of our funding is reliant upon showing a reserve of funds in the bank. Due to this, we are requesting that any of our donors who are capable of writing their first pledge check immediately, please do so.
Q: Have you applied for grants?
A: Yes! We have written quite a few for this project. Out greatest success has been the award of a $400,000 Challenge Grant from the J.E. & L.E. Mabee Foundation. Once we reach $1,600,000 in funds pledged and we break ground this grant will be awarded to us. We are grateful for the opportunity for this funding.
More Questions? Call the Holton Community Hospital Foundation Office at 785-364-9660 or email us at questions@rhrjc.org.