Holton Community Hospital
HCH Foundation Mission:
The Holton Community Hospital Foundation supports the hospital in achieving its goals of compassion, professionalism and excellence in healthcare through philanthropic giving. Operating in accordance with the mission of Holton Community Hospital, the Foundation builds lifelong relationships with contributors, raises funds and dedicates its resources to further advance the needs of Holton Community Hospital and those it serves.
Foster Ford made a generous donation of $1,400 to go back towards no cost mammograms at Holton Community Hospital in honor of Tracey Schumaker. This donation provides coverage for seven no cost mammograms at Holton Community Hospital for those who are underinsured or lack insurance coverage. Thank you to Tracey for allowing us to share your story below:
“In December I went for my mammogram and they told me to come back for a different one. I did. Then it was “you need to have a biopsy.” I was in shock! I did mammograms every year! My chemo doctor told me that I have the pten gene. During my chemo, the breast I was having removed got infected and I got a 102 temp. I had to run to Lawrence for emergency surgery. He said if I would have waited the cancer would have went in my chest wall. So he took it out and I told the surgeon no more and to take the other breast too. I got prosthetics and can say- I am a survivor.” - Tracey Shumaker
The HCH Foundation received an amazing donation in the amount of $4,000.00 in memory of Jane Aeschliman-Evans in support of the recent purchase of breast biopsy equipment for our radiology and surgery departments.
This equipment allows our general surgeon, Dr. Denis Jimenez, to provide surgical intervention for patients that have been diagnosed with breast cancer. It is a new service that Holton Community Hospital is proud to offer to the community and the HCH Foundation was honored to be able to purchase!
Pictured are: (L to R) - Shannon Zeller, Rachel Rowland, Kristi Roush, Dr. Denis Jimenez and Mark Aeschliman.